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Kate Williams

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Poetry & literacy resources by published children's poet. Also lead poetry workshops for UK primary schools. Website: katewilliamspoet.com YouTube latest: Buttercup Party: https://youtu.be/pHKh1_NvaiY Book of animal poems - Squeak! Squawk! Roar! - out 9th Jan '25.




Poetry & literacy resources by published children's poet. Also lead poetry workshops for UK primary schools. Website: katewilliamspoet.com YouTube latest: Buttercup Party: https://youtu.be/pHKh1_NvaiY Book of animal poems - Squeak! Squawk! Roar! - out 9th Jan '25.
Under The Sea Picture-Poem Frame R/Yr1

Under The Sea Picture-Poem Frame R/Yr1

This richly illustrated creative writing sheet will engage your Reception and Year 1 emergent writers, triggering ideas about what could be under the sea, and encouraging adventurous descriptive language. See differentiated versions too - same price. See my inspiring videos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wkeZ8K6iCfcFQneZ9 reading of published poem - ‘Treasure Chest Mystery’ - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMarEm9uVBDEGPTykSlkAfT6jdVArKlPen6X5lk1le7dqUc89gEztNjSO7V6qsxUQ?key=X0hIWmdaV1M0Q2lHYURKbDdIVFFPMTVBTWRUdkhn Warm your class to the subject first, building ideas of what could be under the sea, and words for describing those items, including fish - the only given item here. Fish might be various colours and patterns (stripy, spotty), fast or slow, darting, dashing or twitching, scaly, shiny, twinkly, shimmering, or even quiet, peaceful, friendly or gentle.
Magic Carpet Ride - display picture, hand-drawn

Magic Carpet Ride - display picture, hand-drawn

This serene scene will appeal to your children’s imagination, as they put themselves in the place of the happily gliding children. With the ocean, palm trees and setting sun below, and the soft, clear sky around them, this fantastical image will inspire your class to write, draw, discuss or enact the concepts conveyed. It could be used in combination with my magic mat poetry-writing sheet, for instance, available in my shop here. It will also brighten up a dark corner, of course!
Boat on sea - colouring sheet

Boat on sea - colouring sheet

This attractive colouring sheet features a boat on a wavy sea, with a waving sailor (female), beautiful fish below, plus shells, seaweed, birds, clouds, sun and kite. A cheerful, stimulating and informative picture, with wide scope for colouring and discussion. Supports study of seaside, ocean, seabed, seasons, holidays, travel, colour and more. Develops fine motor skills and colour differentiation. **SEE ALSO: ** - Yr 1 Phonics - UNDER the SEA https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/yr-1-phonics-under-the-sea-11912400, UNDER THE SEA graded picture frames - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/under-the-sea-picture-poem-frames-ey-ks1-11927198, POND COLOURING SHEET - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pond-colouring-sheet-12047603 , + SEASIDE WRITING + COLOURING SHEET - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/seaside-writing-colouring-sheet-simple-12099515 .
My leaf is...

My leaf is...

Simple writing and colouring autumn leaf sheet for emergent and newly independent writers. Children can either write on the lines (leaf veins), turning the paper round as need be, which is fun to do, or they can write their words in the gaps or round the outside of the picture. Suggested words to prompt for: yellow, brown, red, golden, curly, floaty, light, colourful, soft, thin, old, torn, spotty, pretty, flappy, delicate, crispy.
Hedgehog Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Hedgehog Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Young children will enjoy thinking up a word for the hedgehog, to complete the phrase - This hedgehog…, sounding it out and having a go at the writing. Perhaps prompt for - spiky, shy, prickly, quiet, little, crawly, spiny, brown, hungry, sleepy, friendly, busy or cute. Present the colouring activity as a reward for the writing effort, to ensure children give it a try. This will build their confidence in writing, as well as helping them focus on this animal’s features and natural environment, nurturing an appreciation of the natural world.
Rocket Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Rocket Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Let imagination take off with this exciting rocket writing and colouring sheet. Young children will enjoy choosing one or more items to complete the given phrase - I can see, sounding out the word(s) and having a go at spelling them. If anyone needs idea prompts, perhaps suggest a rocket, stars, sun, moon, spaceman or dog. The colouring part of the activity could be presented as a reward for the writing. This resource promotes literacy, fine motor skills, colour and shape awareness and an understanding of the concept of space and its contents.
Castle Treasure picture-writing sheet + word bank

Castle Treasure picture-writing sheet + word bank

“Castle treasure can be -” is the lead-in phrase on this attractive picture-poem - or writing sheet, and the accompanying word bank supplies the teacher with easy and harder words to prompt for. Draw out the words from children’s passive vocabulary, rather than handing out this list. There are plenty of other words to contribute too - these are just suggestions. The sheet can serve as a creative writing sheet for younger children, or a launch pad for extended writing, for older or more independent writers. Supports literacy and history.
Dragon + Castle Turrets Colouring Sheet

Dragon + Castle Turrets Colouring Sheet

Young children will love colouring in this lively dragon and its surroundings. Their ideas can fly like the creature, as they experiment with different colour combinations and pencil strokes. See also my dragon poetry worksheets for Early Years and KS1 and my Dragon’s Menu alliteration game.
2 Poems about Clouds + Puddles (by author, published)

2 Poems about Clouds + Puddles (by author, published)

Two poems of mine, published in The School Magazine, Australia: What is a Cloud? and Puddle Pictures. (Both on one sheet.) What is a Cloud? is a metaphor poem, presenting different cloud moods with simple images. Puddle Pictures shows, in a fun, simple way, how a puddle reflects then dries. Both poems promote nature appreciation and a love of poetry. Also recommended for PSHE, being gentle, calming and upbeat.
JOURNEYS + TRANSPORT Writing Sheet - views from windows

JOURNEYS + TRANSPORT Writing Sheet - views from windows

Transport studies and Literacy development are combined in this attractive writing activity, with line starters: Through the windscreen of my car, I can see - Through the porthole of my boat, Through the window of my submarine, … the windscreen of my helicopter … the porthole of my rocket…, with a generous, wide-spaced line under each for description. Encourage rich, imaginative and relevant description for each one, e.g. for the view from the submarine, perhaps a list of sea creatures and features, with accompanying adjectives. Encourage further entries with views from other vehicles and transport means - crazy ones included - writing on the reverse or extra paper if necessary, firing imagination and creativity as well as interest in the subject. Round off with illustrations on separate paper. Best for Juniors (ages 7-11 approx.).
Star - simple writing + colouring sheet

Star - simple writing + colouring sheet

My star is… This opening phrase below the star picture offers an infinite scope of possibilities. Prompt for describing words such as shiny, pointy, gold, silver, tiny, pretty, sparkly, glittery, twinkly, friendly, kind, far away, high up, twitchy, spiky, mysterious, magical, shooting, smiling, hot and cold. Colour words may also be popular - red, blue, yellow, etc. Colouring in could be presented as a reward for the writing effort. Children will learn about space as they work.
Star Colouring Sheet

Star Colouring Sheet

As children colour in this star, in their own way, they’ll focus in on the concept of space, also absorbing and perhaps colouring in the other features in the picture. They’ll develop design technique, creativity, colour differentiation and fine motor control, and enjoy discussing the picture too, so this simple resource offers multiple learning and development potential. **SEE ALSO: ROCKET colouring sheet ** - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/rocket-colouring-sheet-11975239 + MY STAR IS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/my-star-is-3-graded-versions-of-a-star-picture-poem-frame-early-yrs-yr-1-yr-2-11886766 .
Ladybird Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Ladybird Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Young children will enjoy thinking up a word to complete the given phrase - This ladybird is…, and having a go at writing it on the line. Encourage sounding out rather than accurate spelling, to build confidence in independent writing. Some words to prompt for, if ideas are needed - red, spotty, bright, tiny, shiny, shy, crawly, quiet. After writing, your pupils will be keen to colour in the picture. This resource promotes literacy, fine motor control, colour and pattern appreciation, and an appreciation of the mini-beast world and nature in general.
Butterfly Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Butterfly Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Young children will enjoy thinking up a word to complete the phrase - This butterfly is…, sounding out their word and having a go at writing it. Colouring the picture could be a reward for their writing effort. Perhaps prompt for words like - pretty, colourful, red, blue, gentle, peaceful, soft, floaty, little, dancing, flappy, happy, beautiful. Let them attempt long words as they wish, building confidence in independent, expressive writing.
Busy Street - simple writing + colouring sheet

Busy Street - simple writing + colouring sheet

Your emergent writers will love choosing an item or more from this lively picture and writing the word in the space provided to complete the phrase - I can see… More words can be added, on the line or below. Where prompts are needed, point to familiar items in the picture, e.g. dog, boy, bus or bird, and help to sound out the word. Colouring in the picture can be a reward for the writing effort. This resource promotes literacy (vocabulary, phonics, independent expression and handwriting), fine motor skills, colour awareness, shading control, and awareness of the world outside. The picture also provides a focus for discussion.
Pond Writing + Colouring - 1 line

Pond Writing + Colouring - 1 line

Young children will enjoy thinking up a word or more to complete the phrase - I can see…, after studying this multi-featured picture. They might choose ducks, a frog, a pond, a bird, flowers, a bee or a ladybird, for instance. They can then sound out the phonics and have a go at writing out the word(s), before colouring in the picture. This resource promotes literacy, creativity, fine motor control, a love of nature and animals, an understanding of the natural environment, and more. See my two higher-graded versions too.
Woods Writing Sheet - simple

Woods Writing Sheet - simple

This cheerfully illustrated woodland writing sheet invites emergent writers to think of a woodland creature - and perhaps a describing word to go with it, to complete the phrase: I see a . There’s an extra line below, for anything more a child might like to add. Colouring scope adds to the fun and interest. Supports studies of animals, woods, environment and seasons. See my 3 higher level versions too - easier, mid-level and hard.
Pond Colouring Sheet

Pond Colouring Sheet

Young children will enjoy colouring in this busy picture of a pond and its surroundings, including ducks, a frog, creepy-crawlies, grasses, flowers, tree, bird, sun and cloud-strewn sky. The resource offers learning through fun in multiple aspects - fine motor control, colour differentiation, creative expression, understanding and appreciation of nature and wildlife, and the buzzing activities of spring. The picture also offers a discussion focus.
Butterfly Picture-Poem Frame, EYFS/Y1 + Guidance Notes

Butterfly Picture-Poem Frame, EYFS/Y1 + Guidance Notes

This resource comprises a picture-poem frame sheet and a one-page guide for teachers. The hand-drawn butterfly picture-poem is a Literature resource for young children. Its opening phrase invites describing words for butterflies, which can be written on the short, clear lines around the picture. There is also a simile to complete: 'They are as colourful as - ’ , and space for further ideas. There is plenty of scope for colouring too. The guidance notes (or Guide) offers word and simile suggestions to prompt for, and thoughts about the colouring aspect, as well as ideas for preparing children for the activity as a whole. The resource supports several aspects of the EYFS curriculum - Literacy, Expressive Arts & Design and Understanding the World, also providing opportunities for reading, spelling, fine motor skills and more.
Dinosaur poem - 'Once I saw a Dinosaur'

Dinosaur poem - 'Once I saw a Dinosaur'

Bring your dinosaurs topic alive with this fun, punchy, crazy, rhyming poem about a school child sighting a dinosaur. As a published children’s poet, I wrote this specially for TES users, for this purpose. It can also be used as reading material, an example of rhyme or rhythm, or just a great way to start the day and put a smile on everyone’s face. But DID the dinosaur cheat in the spelling test, as the narrator suspects? What’s the verdict in your classroom.